Supporting Learning

All research tells us that young people thrive at school if they receive good support from home as well as school. We look to the parents/carers of our students to play an active part in their learning, development and success. It is especially helpful if parents/carers can:

  • discuss students' learning with them - what is going well and what is proving difficult in school;
  • provide a quiet space in which students can do their homework, and take an active interest in what they are doing;
  • work with the school in ensuring that students attend regularly and arrive punctually;
  • encourage students to follow healthy lifestyles, including eating well, sleeping well and taking physical exercise; and
  • stay in contact with the school and make sure that we are aware of any significant events in the young person's life or difficulties they face.

Further research tells us that conversations at home improve recall and help students remember content for longer.

Here is a podcast (from the Learning Scientists) designed for parents to support effective learning at home : .

We report regularly to parents/carers on all students' progress and are quick to contact parents if there is anything we need to discuss.

We know that there is always scope for us to improve and are therefore very grateful for the feedback parents/carers provide us formally using our on-line surveys or through informal contact.

Parents/carers are always welcome to visit the school to discuss any aspect of their child's education. We can provide interpreters if needed.