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- The Cressex Curriculum - What it is and what it leads to
- Subjects Taught
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- HISTORY - General information about the GCSE
- HISTORY - Germany in Transition and The Elizabethan Age
- HISTORY - USA and Leisure
- SCIENCE - Biology
- SCIENCE - Chemistry
- SCIENCE - Physics
- SCIENCE - Combined Science
- SCIENCE - Year 7 Keywords and Topics
- SCIENCE - Year 8 Keywords and Topics
- SCIENCE - Year 9 Topics
- Options
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- Choosing Your GCSE, A Level and Further Study Options
- Careers Websites
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- Opportunities for Employers
- Where Can Art and Design Take You?
- Where Can Biology Take You?
- Where Can Business Take You?
- Where Can Computer Science Take You?
- Where Can Design and Technology Take You?
- Where Can Economics Take You?
- Where Can English Take You?
- Where Can Geography Take You?
- Where Can History Take You?
- Where Can Languages Take You?
- Where Can Maths Take You?
- Where Can Psychology Take You?
- Where Can Sociology Take You?
- Bucks Skills Hub
- The School Library
- Learning Outside School
- English Language Support
- Providing for Able Students
- Year 10 Work Experience
- Support for Students' Learning and Personal Development
- Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Safeguarding
- Parents
- Year 6/7 Transition
- Supporting Learning
- Letters to Parents/Carers
- Home/School Agreement
- Year 7 Settling-in Presentation and Resources
- The School Day
- Parent Association
- Bullying
- ParentPay
- Statement of Behaviour Principles
- Behaviour for Learning
- Charging and Remissions
- Internet Safety
- Supporting your child to be physically active plus PE clubs timetable
- Complaints Procedure for Parents and Carers
- Free School Meals and Pupil Premium - Information and Application Form
- How Shopping Can Help Cressex
- News
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